Welcome NRWA Members! Partner with us today!

The BlastYourResume.com team is excited to be the top sponsor for the NRWA 2020 Conference! We are so excited that we are offering a limited time opportunity for NRWA members only! Register below for your very own affiliate link and you will be able to share that link with job seekers to give them a 10% discount and yourself a 10% referral fee!

Alternatively, if you are interested in actually offering our service in your resume writing packages, then please contact us today and let's chat! We have options that can provide you an additional revenue stream.

Our affiliate program is simple: Register below and we will send you a special link (see below) for our website that you can share with others. When someone uses that link to sign up for our service, they will receive a 10% discount and you will receive a 10% referral. And if your customer signs up for our weekly subscription, you will receive 10% for as long as they subscribe!

Example Affiliate Link: https://www.BlastYourResume.com/dave

In the above example, the affiliate 'code' is 'dave'.

First Name *


Last Name *


E mail Address *


Phone Number


OPTIONAL: Type in the affiliate code you would like and if you see a green checkmark, it is available.

Your Affiliate URL will be: [Enter Code Below]

Any comments/questions?


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